Primary Mental Health Services

CHOICES to Wellbeing Programme

Primary Mental Health Services offers counselling and mentoring through the CHOICES to Wellbeing Programme, providing early intervention for young people with mild to moderate mental health concerns. This support can include a counsellor, Mental Health Clinician, Youth Development Worker, or Mentor. Additionally, we run an evening group for young dads. Our team collaborates with young people to set achievable goals, building on their existing strengths.


Mental Health Assessment and CHOICE Appointment

We provide Mental Health Assessments, known as CHOICE appointments, and brief interventions for young people and their whānau who have been referred to Marinoto North or West Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services but do not meet their criteria. These assessments are referred to us with your consent.


Who We Can Help

You may be a young person or know a young person experiencing:

  • Increased stress or worry
  • Withdrawing from enjoyable activities
  • Feeling anxious or overwhelmed
  • School difficulties
  • Emotional management challenges
  • Sadness, tearfulness, or low mood
  • Self-harm thoughts
  • Grief from loss or parental separation
  • Family stress and communication issues
  • Peer relationship issues, bullying, or breakups

If any of these apply, we may be the right place for you, provided you meet our criteria.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Aged 12 to 24 years old
  • Live within the Waitemata catchment area (Waitakere, Rodney, or North Shore)
  • Not currently under secondary mental health services such as Marinoto, Adult Mental Health, CADS, or Altered High

What We Provide

Free access to youth-friendly Registered Mental Health Clinicians, counsellors, youth workers, and mentors
Up to 8 free counselling or mentoring sessions if indicated, matched to the most appropriate professional

How to Apply

Complete the referral form and send it to us at, or call us on 0800 562 023. You can download the Youth Health Hub referral form here. Referrals are reviewed weekly, and we will contact you within a week if possible

Immediate Concerns

If you are concerned about your or a young person's mental wellbeing, please contact:

  • Marinoto Youth West: 09 822 8666 or 0800 228 666 (Mon-Fri, 8:30-16:30)
  • Marinoto Youth North: 09 489 0555 or 0800 489 0555 (Mon-Fri, 8:30-16:30)
  • Mental Health 24-hour Crisis Service (West/North/Rodney): 09 486 8900

Additional Support Services

  • Text or call: 1737 (Need to talk)
  • Lifeline: 0800 543 354
  • Youthline: 0800 376 699 or free text 234
  • Depression Helpline: 0800 111 757 or free text 5626
  • Suicide Crisis Helpline: 0508 828 865
  • Alcohol Drug Helpline: 0800 787 797 or text 8681
  • 0800whatsup: 0800 942 8787 (counselling service for youth aged 5 to 18)
  • Are You Ok: 0800 456 450 (resources and support for family violence)